Glacial Plains Cooperative

2023 Spring Meeting
Good attendance in spite of bad weather
Private Pesticide Applicator recertification is now underway! You can do in-person workshops, online course, mail-in written exam. You can check certification status here:
Here is FSR ReNae Nath discussing DKC48-95VT2PRIB and how it has very high yield potential and where it can fit on your own operation! #winninghasroots #successneverrests #minnesota #corn #dekalb #asgrow #soybeans #yield Subscribe for more additional product updates and relevant agronomic information! Be sure to follow us on our other platforms! Snapchat: dekalbmnwest Facebook: Twitter: ...
Technical Agronomist Jesse Berg discusses DKC56-65SSRIB and how you can utilize it to to achieve next level yields and a great silage product! #winninghasroots #successneverrests #minnesota #corn #dekalb #asgrow #soybeans #yield Subscribe for more additional product updates and relevant agronomic information! Be sure to follow us on our other platforms! Snapchat: dekalbmnwest Facebook: Twitter: ...
Technical agornomist Jesse Berg discusses how you can utilize AG15XF2's on your high productivity acres and chase yield with a 1.5 maturity soybean #winninghasroots #successneverrests #minnesota #corn #dekalb #asgrow #soybeans #yield Subscribe for more additional product updates and relevant agronomic information! Be sure to follow us on our other platforms! Snapchat: dekalbmnwest Facebook: Twitter: ...
Technical Agronomist Steven Regan talks about how you can use this awesome 110 RM product, and how well it moves north onto your acres! #winninghasroots #successneverrests #minnesota #corn #dekalb #asgrow #soybeans #yield Subscribe for more additional product updates and relevant agronomic information! Be sure to follow us on our other platforms! Snapchat: dekalbmnwest Facebook: Twitter: ...
Our experienced team of more than 30 agronomy professionals sees that you’ll get the most out of your crop inputs by offering agronomy solutions such as soil tests, tissue sampling, field mapping and variable rate technology.
We have agronomy centers located in Murdock, Benson and Clontarf, MN to ensure that our quality products and services are always available to meet your needs. Read on to learn more about our product portfolios and service offerings, and give us a call to start realizing your operation’s fullest potential.
Custom Fertilizer Applications (Flat Or Variable Rate Treatments) | Custom Crop Protection Applications |
On-Demand Soybean Seed Treatments
Field Scouting |
We leverage the Climate FieldView™ platform to store data and help you identify and better manage the acres that provide the best opportunity for increased profit potential. Comprehensive precision farming solutions integrates soil and tissue sampling, satellite imagery mapping and harvest data to help create customized variable rate prescriptions for your farm. We also have tissue samples analyzed by NutriSolutions® Tissue Analysis.
Our agronomists can visit your farm at different points during the growing season to take plant tissue samples. NutriSolutions® tissue testing and analyzes pinpoint nutrient deficiencies at critical growth stages so we can help farmers make adjustments before yield potential is compromised.
We can also import tissue data results into the Climate FieldView™ and R7® Tool applications for a complete review of previous seasons to help you plan for next season.
Our seed specialists excel at matching the right hybrids and varieties for each field to help farmers make the most of every acre. We are proud to offer the following seed brand portfolios; call your local agronomy sales representative for more information.
We take great pride in our seed treatment capabilities at Glacial Plains. With downstream seed treaters in both Benson and Clontarf, we can apply Warden® CX, Vault® HP and Clariva® Elite Beans seed treatments on demand.
Verdesian Life Sciences (“The Nutrient Use Efficiency People”) manufactures a wide portfolio of seed treatments and inoculants, fertilizer enhancers, nutrients and biostimulants. These solutions increase nutrient use efficiency and provide new management technologies to enhance crop uptake, reduce nutrient losses to the environment, and improve yields. At the end of the day, Verdesian makes farming more efficient, more sustainable, and more profitable.
We have five dry fertilizer blending towers and storage capacity for 34,000 tons of dry fertilizer spread across our three locations. To maximize the return on your crop investment, our team of knowledgeable agronomists at Glacial Plains will customize the right fertility package for your fields and your bottom line. Our crop nutrient lineup includes products like:
Glacial Plains offers customers the opportunity to own liquid fertilizer storage tanks. Designed as a partnership, this program increases grower efficiency while helping to minimize transportation time and costs.
When attending local Answer Plot® Knowledge Events, you’ll find customized answers that can apply to the challenges you experience in your own fields.
We’re fortunate to have one of Minnesota’s largest Answer Plot® locations in our service area – the Murdock Answer Plot® Vision Site. Check back periodically to see when the next Answer Plot® VIP Week will take place at this location. To see data from the National Answer Plot® site, click on the Learn More button below.
That’s why we offer unique and flexible crop input financing to fit your needs. In addition to these competitive financial solutions, we also offer our own net 30 charge account to support your farming operation.
I grew up on a farm in rural Tolna, North Dakota. After college, I worked for a farmer just west of Devil's Lake for a few years before joining CHS. I worked for CHS in Devil's Lake for almost 9 years as a Sales / Seed Manager before coming to Glacial Plains. I look forward to getting to know everyone in the area.