Oct 13, 2020
We had one sale announcement this morning, which was 110,000 metric tons of corn to Mexico. It felt a bit disappointing that there were no China sales announced as they came out of their holiday. Corn and beans bounced some today after yesterday's correction, but I wouldn't be surprised to see a bit more of a correction to the downside. The 10.20 futures area looks to be a short-term target area to the downside, with 9.80 longer term. When the funds are this long and everyone is one side leaning bullish it seems to change in a hurry. Like I said before be careful and expect lots of volatility thru the winter in the soybean market. We will get harvest progress tonight as we are expecting beans at 59% harvested and corn at 39% harvested. It’s going quick and weather looks like it will allow for more harvest to get completed. It looks like we are in for a bit of a cool down for the next two weeks.